Thursday, 26 July 2012

En route

I finally have enough empty time to take stock of our house. Every room has goods in transit…

… a bag waiting to be posted back to my mum… 

… thread on the way to the thread box…

…a shawl on its way to being darned…

…clothes on the way to the charity shop…

junk treasure for the car boot sale (if I ever get round to it)…

…to the loft …

…to the coat cupboard…

…well, that's a start… 
…(the black thing in the background is a router on its way to the tool cupboard)…

Saturday, 21 July 2012

sleep like a baby

In the 'thank you' prayer, at the start of an RE lesson, L, a badass yr7, chose to thank God for his onesie. 'What's a onesie?' someone asked. The teacher helpfully explained that a onesie is like a babygro, but bigger. A titter ran round the room. Think L may have lost his street cred - for good.

Sunday, 15 July 2012

all my own work

I made these labels to restock my Etsy shop. I love making them - they look so simple although they are quite fiddly to make. They use feed sack, vintage embroidery thread and imagination. They are a lovely way to send a message - 'happy birthday', 'thank you' or simply 'I love you'. If you like them please let me know!

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Champing at the bit…

They can sense the finish line, and like nervy race horses they are champing at the bit, tossing their fringes and dancing sideways, while they wait for the off. Some spectacularly silly behaviour may end up in disqualification for a couple of them, which will be a shame. Summer holidays are 1 week away!

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Left over right? Or right over left?

Last Friday was a Holy Day of Obligation. Two masses were given, one for upper and one for lower school, which I attended with my VI student. It ended 20 minutes early - exactly the amount of time needed for a shaming from the Head. Some people did not know how to approach the priest correctly to receive the host, and did not say amen! Others did not genuflect in the correct direction (my VI student's genuflection is a sort of abstract Jackson Pollock affair)! And the lack of audible responses! Sir was embarrassed and ashamed.

As a result we are to devote a lesson to 'how to attend mass properly'. Which is marvelous, because I seriously have no clue, never having attended mass till I came here. It's all been a wild stab in the dark. I did manage to mutter amen as I received my blessing from scary Miss NoSmiles, and as it turns out that is the correct response. Phew.